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Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hey guys...well I have a special update since i was away for so long and i kno i updated yesterday but i figured i could give u guys a special treat and upload another one for u all...but before i continue i want to be very serious about something...this blog is for u guys and u guys are the reason it is up...i really need to see some comments and some get some feedback on the blog and the videos and i need more followers as well...i have over 150 of u guys watching the vids and i only have 6 followers on the blog and very few comments on the vids...i need u guys to show you enjoy the videos and want more...the more comments and the more followers the more I will feel like going out and filming more girls...if i dont see an increase in feedback then im sorry but i will not be updating the blog doing this for you guys and it would mean alot to see some feedback...the upcoming update is a super hott one...probably hotter than Sarah if thats even possible lol so i kno u guys dont wanna miss that so make sure i see comments and more now on the the good stuff...this little petite girl was very cute and i felt obligated to go up to her because usually the quiet ones are the naughtier ones and i was quite right about her...although i was thrown off by her name it really didnt matter...she was willing to show her nice ass and her sexy black thong without much hesitation...i enjoyed chatting with her and she indeed have a very nice i hope you enjoy the update and once comments, no more updates

Rae from Cesar D on Vimeo.


  1. Cesar, job well done again! I'm jealous.

    I don't think you should be all that worried about the number of comments.. unfortunately because you don't want us to comment on the vimeo videos we have to sign up for yet another account to post a comment here on your videos. I think the number of viewers alone, given that people have to sign up for that as well, should say something!

    Either way, good work man, and I hope it continues!

  2. Great job Cesar. Yea I agree with what Bob said about having to sign up for comments, I think the number of viewers you are getting who signed up for vimeo just watch your videos is a great indicator of what an awesome job you're doing. Keep it up man, we appreciate it!

  3. What a sexy girl! This update was great Cesar! Thank you so much for all the videos you're making. No matter how many comments you see they are greatly appreciated and I hope we keep getting the oppurtunity to see new videos! Kepp up the great work, the thong community really appreciates it. THANKS

  4. You rock Caesar! Nice update!

  5. Damn I've been missing out on some good stuff. She was very cute Cesar and looked like she could be a bit cheeky. Too bad about not getting to touch, but at least we got to see. Thanks Cesar
