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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Upcoming Update #3

Hey guys...Just here to let you all know that the next update should be up either monday or tuesday so make sure u guys come back and check it out...i would also like to let everyone know that I would greatly appreciate it if i could get some feedback from ALL of you about the 2 videos up and the future ones to come...i need followers on this blog and comments as well...the more followers and the more comments the more girls i will get...thanx alot guys i appreciate it and continue to enjoy the blog =)


  1. I just signed up and added you I think, but I can't see the videos. I really want to see these!

  2. took me a while to be able to see the videos as well Brian but I can't recall what I did to get it working after signing up. Hope you get it worked out, the vids are worth it
